Somethings's Fishy!
I just have to draw your attention to the cute little fishies that swim at the bottom of my page. I was so excited to find them! Feel free to feed them all day long; they never tire of eating (just click around in their pond).

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My fortune cookies are getting around

I've got a blog for everyone to check out:
It's an awesome blog with very good ideas, and I'm happy to have my paper fortune cookies included in her latest post.  I keep rolling out the fortune cookies for friends and family and they are becoming a big hit for Halloween.  Now, I've got to start stocking up for other occasions.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!


Jane said...

Congrats on being featured. And I love your fortune cookies - they are so cute

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute and creative idea! Congrats on being featured... you deserve it for the fortune cookie innovation!

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