Somethings's Fishy!
I just have to draw your attention to the cute little fishies that swim at the bottom of my page. I was so excited to find them! Feel free to feed them all day long; they never tire of eating (just click around in their pond).

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's just another manic Monday...

whoawo, I wish it were Sunday, whoawhoaoo, That's my fun-day...

Sorry, I slipped into the Bangles lyrics for a minute, but I'm back. That's what you get for growing up in the 80s!!

I'm getting my package ready to send out to my SHOP SWAP AND BLOG partner and I want to make sure you watch my blog in the next week or so for the exchange to happen. I'm so excited! I won't tell you what I'm sending because I want it to be a surprise for her, but I'll give you all the details when the time comes. Stay tuned...

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