Somethings's Fishy!
I just have to draw your attention to the cute little fishies that swim at the bottom of my page. I was so excited to find them! Feel free to feed them all day long; they never tire of eating (just click around in their pond).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Put my Noggin to the Bloggin'

Same old tune, right??!!!  I keep posting these apologies for slacking on my blog and I ALWAYS have a good excuse, right???!!!!  Well, I have been busy at least . . . really busy.  Among other boring, day to day things which I promise I will not tire you with, I've been busy making flowers for weddings.  I have been so thrilled that wonderful people have found me on Etsy and have had me make so many different things for their weddings, from name cards to the actual bridal bouquets.  My business just in this direction is taking off as well as I could ever have hoped for.  I actually took the big plunge and ordered business cards a few weeks ago for all of my networking . . . GET ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And since I put my blog down on my business cards, that gives me quite an incentive to keep this up now.  I am super excited to show you some of the wedding items I've been working on.  And I'll keep you updated with new events I'm working on . . . plus some fun extra tidbits I think you'll enjoy.  An example: Did you know there is a George, Washington (as in city and state)?  I think that is so cool!!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I've been bad for a good cause

Let me explain...I've been bad again - I haven't been around the blogging world much lately.  I've missed all of you (again!!!), but I have a pretty good reason which involves a really great cause.  Casey from the Sooner Golden Retriever Rescue group contacted me several months ago and asked if I would like to donate some of my doggy cards for a charity dinner/benefit she is coordinating for October.  I, of course, wanted to help out but I didn't really have time to make all the cards I said I would until after the holidays...thus my absense from all things blog :)  But I'm back and hoping to have more time to spend with all of you now. 

I just thought you should know about the great work that Casey and her coworkers are doing for our animal friends.  Here is what she told me of her organization:
I work for Sooner Golden Retriever Rescue (, which is based in Oklahoma. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which was founded in 1986. To date, we have rescued over 1600 Golden Retrievers in the Midwest. We take in homeless and injured goldens, rehabilitate them, and place them in loving adoptive homes
Their website is
so check them out and see for yourself.

And here are some photos of the cards I donated to the dinner.  Per Casey's request, I sent a few of my other doggy cards and then I created new Golden Retriever cards for the majority of the donation.  Enjoy and think of happy Golden thoughts!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, everyone!!!!!  I am so happy that I discovered this whole art community this year and I can't tell you how much it means to me that I have all of you around.  I love reading your comments about my items and I so love reading all of your blogs and realizing how unbelievably talented you all are!!!  Thanks for making my year so great!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My New Flowers

Oh, how I've been neglecting this blog!!!  I sincerely meant to write so many times and always found myself running out of time.  My tutoring usually has these weeks of craziness when ALL of my students need to meet at the same time and for an unpredictable amount of time.  Needless to say, I just finished up one of those times and am so glad to have some quiet time around the holidays.  My husband is taking tomorrow off work so I spent yesterday and today doing just some "me" things, crafting being the focus.  Here are some of my newest flowers I just posted in my shop.  Beatles' fans, make sure you check out my Revolution #9 flowers!!!

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