Somethings's Fishy!
I just have to draw your attention to the cute little fishies that swim at the bottom of my page. I was so excited to find them! Feel free to feed them all day long; they never tire of eating (just click around in their pond).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Did I do that?????

I'm missing all the little avatars of my followers and I'm hoping it's not something I did! I never know what I might have been messing up as I experiment with all the widgets I can add, but I'm hoping it's one of those classic technological malfunctions that will correct itself soon.

While I try to figure that out, I'll tell you how excited I am that we were able to get tickets to the first two home games of the baseball post-season, as long as the Tigers can stay ahead of the Twins ****knocking on wood all over the place!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Audrey said...

My followers list is gone on Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. But when I'm on FireFox I can see them. Have no idea what's going on.
Thanks so much for following my blog - following you back!!

gigi goods said...

I'm glad to know it's not just me :)

Pattie said...

Me too!!
I was wondering about that :)
Makes me happy to know that it is just a glitch and not some button I didn't know that I pressed lol

designs-made-easy said...

the avatar thing happened to me too last night... it back to normal now... it was probably a blogger site thing.. but i thought i messed up and was going through all my settings!

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