Somethings's Fishy!
I just have to draw your attention to the cute little fishies that swim at the bottom of my page. I was so excited to find them! Feel free to feed them all day long; they never tire of eating (just click around in their pond).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another give-away everyone should know about

I promise I won't bombard you with give-aways, but I had to let everyone know about this one because it's from one of my favorite Etsians, Grace Hester Designs.  Go to her blog to participate in this wonderful contest -
and then visit her shop at to see all of her artwork - it is so sweet, it'll make you melt!!  This is one of my favorites here, but they are all adorable.
She paired up with, which I'm going to have to remember if I ever need any banners or large photos in the future.  Super neat stuff!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Gail! I love your stuff too! Maybe we can collaborate on something!

These are my absolute faves:

designs-made-easy said...

Nice post! I will try it too :) this shop is already a favorite of mine too!

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