It's the day I've been telling everyone to wait for...my shop swap and blog package came and I want to tell you all about it. My partner is Georgia and her business, Yeah Hello, http://www.etsy.com/shop/yeahhello sells the most amazing and fun jewelry! I was so excited to get her package and became even more excited when I was opening up her sweet little boxes, all adorned with cute little stickers proclaiming her shop's name. It makes you realize how fun it is to be a girl when you open up little jewelry boxes filled with goodies!!
Here are the photos of me opening up my treasure...make sure you keep reading to see her interview afterwards.
1. What’s the name of your business, what do you create and sell, and how did you get your start?
My jewelry line, Yeah Hello, is a fun collection of handmade jewelry and accessories tailored for women who are looking to jazz up their style with a little something different. Yeah Hello was born after I'd come across some plastic owl beads that I instantly wanted to turn into earring studs. The name came from a radio show drop that was of a man calling the show in this funny confused tone saying, "Yeah.. Hello?" I could never get that funny voice out of my head, thus I had to give it a life.
2. Share some of your inspirations as they pertain to your art.
I'm inspired by fashion both old and new. Sometimes if I see a dress in person my mind will race thinking about the perfect piece of jewelry I could create for it. I like more reserved classic styles with a touch of flare. I would sum up some of my special occasion jewelry as timeless.
Ah, it's a tough one! I'm a perfectionist at heart, so sometimes I wrestle with an idea for days/weeks/months if it's not coming together nicely. It's hard to know when something is complete. Lots of ideas evolve from the starting point. Often times I need to sleep on a design before I can look at it again with fresh eyes.
***This is Georgia's workspace. Look at how organized she is...and she has a cool map showing where she has shipped throughout the world.
4. What are some of your favorite websites, blogs, and magazines these days?
I'm really enjoying flicker these days. It's amazing to connect with people from all over the globe share work in a peer to peer setting.
5. What’s new? Any products or projects you’d like to share?
I've been slowly adding new items to my Hello Metal line - which I'm having so much fun developing. While on my honeymoon in Seattle this summer, I felt a strong need to diversify by adding everyday silvers and golds into my repertoire after seeing first hand just how many women really do wear gold or silver on a daily basis. The rest has been about the challenge of using only one material to represent the style and flare of my other collections.
**I saw these on Yeah Hello's shop when I first found out Georgia was my partner and I immediately fell in love with them. Imagine my excitement when I found them in my package!!!
6. Since this is about sharing great art, are there any other artists/shops you would like to give a little shout out to?

There are so many great artists and handmade shops out there. Too many to choose from! I always tell people (if they haven't already) to go discover etsy. It's an amazing network of crafty people. You can find just about everything on there. Stop buying gifts for people at the huge chains and malls, yeah they may be convenient, but with etsy you're almost always guaranteed to find something affordable, thoughtful and rare tailored for the recipient which makes it a win-win for all.
***Definitely, definitely check out Yeah...Hello's shop as soon as possible. Georgia is a great artist and a sweetheart. It's no surprise that she is a trained pastry chef because she makes all of her jewelry look scrumptious - the beautiful coral color of my ring she sent me just makes me think of the prettiest buttercream frosting I've ever seen.I'm so glad I got to know her a little better through this experience and I will definitely be going back to her shop in the future!!!
Yeah Hello's blog: http://www.yeahhello.typepad.com/
Yeah Hello's facebook fan page: http://ro-ro.facebook.com/pages/Yeah-Hello-Vintage-Inspired-Jewelry/45110606078
Yeah Hello's shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/yeahhello
Her shop is so exquisite! I love the items!
You got a great partner too! Very nice stuff. I love those birdie earrings!
Her shop is adorable! I have to go check it out now.
What fun stuff, I love jewelry with a sense of humour. And the name is way cool too!
What a great swap!! I got my first two packages today too, and will blog about them this week. This has been so much fun! Hope we get to do it again.
I like the sparrow clip most of all and her packaging is gorgeous.
Also gigi, the fishies! They're so cute. And I love that you quote the Bangles. We must be around the same age.
This post is great :) And, what a lovely package!! I love "Yeah...Hello!" And that is pretty cool how the name came to be!
I love finding out the little details :) plus that packaging is SUPER professional!
omg, so lucky. Love that pin!
What a great swap! I love her stuff, too! You sound like you had about as much fun as I had with Shop, Swap, and Blog. I just posted about my package today.
Cool stuff! And I love how you modeled it all :)
love the bird earnings! fabulous!
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